Our Story

Behind every success, there is a story of struggle

In 2016, we started by visiting the Armed Forces Exhibition to support and localize spare parts with the encouragement of the General Administration for Supporting Local Manufacturing. In cooperation with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority as entities concerned with the quality and safety of the product.

Despite using the best materials and tools, the process of manufacturing the wheelchair was not easy and straightforward. The journey of production went through meticulous and careful stages, taking into account the smallest details and complying with all safety and security measures.

Notes were recorded and work was repeated over and over again to modify and change even the simplest parts and components of the wheelchair to suit different environmental conditions with distinctive and sophisticated designs.

The result was a wheelchair that meets the highest standards of quality and safety, trusted by the Ministry of Defense, approved by the Food and Drug Authority, and efficiently and safely meets the needs of people with disabilities.

The quality and reliability of manufacturing the wheelchair led Prince Sultan Medical Military City to approve and supply the product to them.

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